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There is a brothel, there is demand. Curb demand! Curb Prostitutes!

GB Road Brothel, Delhi

A Prostitute is more like a sex object than a human, devilish she is, of our society.Ther is vast sex racket trade run by people clandestinely.

Thousands of women, who have become anonymous to this world, from different edge of land are brought into this trap willingly or unwillingly, does not matter in eyes of the society. The more younger you are, the more business you provide  in this different kind of world, 'sex world' (brothel). The society does not considere of their part.

Not for everyone, there is a choice of life in second birth because for some people, even, they want to die as soon as possible or die even in 1st birth as considering life hell.

Their life is filled with sorrow for the so called beautiful life according to them, arrogance towards the cruelty of people, pity on themselves.

Chennu (name changed), the prostitute from Bangladesh had 4 children including 3 girls who were born while having sex with 3 strangers who abandoned them. “To lure more customers, she has to apply makeup on her face. The prettier you look, the more business you have” she told.

Shivam (name changed), 22, went in brothel at GB Road in Delhi where he met with the girl, the prostitute, age 19, with whom he wanted to have sex and who bagged to rescue her from this trap in front of him; With tears in her eyes, she said, people here in brothel beated her, she was sold to many people, in a small dark room she has to live.  

Many women are indulged into this trade and many are trapped into it. But, the reasons who are indulged into it have the platform to survive in life and the reasons who are trapped into it are anonymous to this world where they are lost. 

Their struggle is beyond our imagination. Having transgender born to them, a family members felt humiliated; society kept her away from being a part of it. At the age of 16 when the torture became like a killer, she left her home without having a single penny.  


Before female, they are human who have the same we have. Mostly from the rular areas where majority of people are uncivilisaed, get manipulated by people luring them in the name of job which they need the job in desperate situation.


This is the big cause of our society. As people being unciviliased, they are unaware of giving their daughters into wrong hands. Even many times, family members push in this business to earn money due to financial crisis. Efforts of many decisions curb stigma on the society.

  • -      Provide qualitative and free education in School
  • -      Launch schemes that attract student to study
  • -      Provide job to family members so that they can support their children to study
  • -      Aware people about an importance of it
  • -      Stop child labour


There is a brothel, there is demand. Curb demand! Curb Prostitutes. The society accepts them who demand for prostiutue but does not give equal treatment to those who fulfil their demand. We are the reasons of being accountability what they are. Give a place to the prostitute in the society and throw out them from the society who demand for it.


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